Busy busy…..

Author: PT  |  Category: 生活中的無聊趣事

With this! ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹


518: Happy 11th anniversary

Author: PT  |  Category: Twins 孖女

before the day ends…..

11 years… n counting….

frpm May 18th… 2001…

Happy Anniversary to Twins….


我貪心!我要繼續有歡樂 XD

The best thing to ever came out of this fandom… the friends we get to know…. the friendship that links us altogether….

Steamboat round 1…

Author: PT  |  Category: 生活中的無聊趣事

Our yearly? steamboat gathering…. do we do it yearly? cant remember…

usual gang => mi, dot, mouse, cpoh, gtan, freddy, moo moo then we have weiping n laura with her 2 kids join us today…

Thxz freddy for his homemade soup… lol…. i like ^^ n i get to eat my tang-oh…. lol…

photos from cpoh n moo moo…. the many balls… luncheon meat, hotdogs n abalone!!! tats theirs since i dun like abalone… dotz…

Gossips r always fun during steamboats….

next round… May 20th…. with my chingus…